NEWSLETTER In Loving Memory Rev. Mother Shirley Chambers (August 18, 1934 – January 14, 2025)With loving hearts, we announce the peaceful passing of Rev. Mother Shirley Chambers, our beloved friend and spiritual teacher whose life was a beacon of light to us all. Surrounded by love, Shirley left this world gently, her earthly journey complete but her legacy eternal. She touched countless lives through her teachings, compassion, and vision, inspiring all who sought spiritual growth and healing. Shirley’s warmth, kindness, and unwavering dedication will be deeply missed, but her love and wisdom remain with us, guiding those who continue to walk the path she illuminated. May her soul be embraced by the divine light she so faithfully served.
Kabalah: A Process of Awakening
6-8 pm
All classes will be held online through Zoom until further notice. Details about the class will be sent to each student. Everyone can tune in. It is very easy. You just have to click the link that that will be sent to you on a weekly basis.
Just what is this “Kabalah” that in recent years has become a household word? It seems now that it is a sort of generic term, much the same as one would say education, which can relate to a variety of systems and levels. For instance, in elementary school basic mathematics are studied, then in high school higher applications such as geometry and calculus may be studied, and finally while in college, these subjects are integrated into a profession or vocation, a state of being, one might say.
For thirty years the Karin Kabalah Center has presented the study of Kabalah as it relates to the mystical tradition, which in a sense, could be said to relate to a university or college level of education wherein one not only studies subjects but also becomes the status to which they relate, such as a physician, an attorney, etc. What does one become when he/she utilizes the Kabalah as a tool or process of discovery? Simply said, one becomes himself or herself. To cite an example of just what mysticism is — we all know the taste of an orange, and knowing that taste is vastly important for the use of oranges in recipes. Now substitute the word “yourself” for “orange.” It is important for us to know ourselves so that the recipes we concoct in life are appropriate for that taste, otherwise those experiences can be either nonproductive or even painful. Just as becoming a physician requires not only the study of medicine, but the integration of the ability to practice as a physician, so does the becoming of oneself require the same. Through a process that includes the use of archetypes, meditation and a synthesis of the important essentials found in psychology, theology, science and philosophy, one finds the power of his/her true being. There are no shortcuts, no magic formulas and no outer activity that can lead to this inner freedom of self so desperately sought after and needed in our world today.
The TREE OF LIFE is one of the oldest and most powerful archetypes in existence. Through unconscious recognition and identification with the Tree and through the use of the Pathways connecting its principles in the practice of meditation, as well as in their daily application to the life experience, one finds oneself becoming free from the stress and pressure resulting from immersion within the external world. This freedom leads to a fuller life experience applying one’s individuality (or taste) where it is appropriate and also in ways that serve all mankind as we move into a new world consciousness.
This new world requires that we become spiritual adults, a state in which we are responsible for our lives, our actions and our experiences. It also requires that we respect each others individualism and their right to bring that individualism (taste) into their own patterns (recipes). This cannot be achieved as long as mankind is attached to or co-dependent with anything or anyone outside of himself and while the journey may not always be easy, the freedom and power gained far exceeds the effort expended. It is then that the beauty of the world and oneself truly shines. It is also very exciting to discover the reality of one’s being — sometimes it is even very surprising!
Kabalah may be mysticism, but it is not a mystery. A mystery can be solved, even the mystery of just who we are. Mysticism is the realization of that mystery and its power of freedom in a personal as well as universal world that often seems unfree. Mysticism is what empowers the solved mystery and power can only be described by that which is empowered
Just as there are many tastes in our world, each unique and individual unto itself, we as soul beings, each have our individual taste and the journey of life demands we discover it.
– Have you completed The Course in Miracles and wish to delve more deeply into the innermost levels of your psyche?
‑Have you read The Secret and want to discover the real secret of life?
‑Have you read The Power of Now and wish to empower your life in the now?
‑Have you studied Science of Mind and wish to understand the science of the universe?
‑Have you studied psychology and wish to travel the journey to the Self described by Carl Jung?
‑Are you looking for a definitive and comprehensive study, a transformative process, which can help you establish balance and harmony in your life?
Kabalah has been known as the mysticism within Judaism. The understanding contained within this mysticism, however, was given to mankind long before the existence of Judaism. From a singular source it flowed through both Eastern and Western philosophies and from Judaism it was carried forward into Christianity. What is contained in this mysticism? It contains the understanding of Divinity, the universe, mankind and their interrelationship. With each step forward in evolution, man must redefine this understanding in accordance with his current level of awareness.
Not merely intellectual or devotional, the Kabalah, in this time and space, becomes a process through which man can develop the potential of his spiritual adulthood and lead a productive and harmonious life in a universe which has reached evolutionary adulthood. Man must now integrate and become that which religious philosophies and mysticism have described, much the same as one studies medicine in order to become a physician.
KABALAH: A PROCESS OF AWAKENING is an exciting study course which not only establishes and redefines traditional Kabalistic knowledge but provides a philosophical/psychological/spiritual, and most of all, transformative process of development.
New Class TBA
Astrology: Blueprint for Existence
Taught by Wade Hyde
All classes will be held online through Zoom until further notice. Details about the class will be sent to each student. Everyone can tune in. It is very easy. You just have to click the link that that will be sent to you on a weekly basis.
This course is for those who wish to understand the exciting science of Astrology. Learn to use this knowledge to enhance your growth process, as well as to understand those with whom you interact such as your children, partners or friends. This course will explore the planets, signs and house, and how their energy is expressed in a natal chart, the blueprint, or one could say, mirror, of the personality. It will also align those aspects with the Tree of Life giving one the opportunity to explore both his strengths and weaknesses
New Class TBA
The Bhagawad Gita and the Mahabharata
Taught by Alok Agrawal STM
All classes will be held online through Zoom until further notice. Details about the class will be sent to each student. Everyone can tune in. It is very easy. You just have to click the link that that will be sent to you on a weekly basis.
A 28-week course that explores Vedic teachings as conveyed through the Bhagavad-Gita and the stories of the Mahabharata.
Eighteen chapters of the Bhagawad Gita are more profound to a spiritual realization than many of the courses offered in the same field. Every chapter touches the core of our being and nourishes the seed which blossoms our inner flower.
Along with the study of the Mahabharata, a deep enriched mythology which is the study of human psychology where every character is symbolic of one of the human traits, this course is a complete study of ourselves-psychologically and spiritually. Remarkably, humanity is currently reliving this ancient story. Thus, it is important to study it’s meaning in order to understand and learn to cope in this current situation.
Come and join this class where two sacred scriptures are brought up-to-date to enhance everyday life. This class is a “must-do” for enhancing your Yoga practice!
New Class TBA
Serenity, Power and Freedom: Finding Strength in an Uncertain World
6-8 pm • Fee: $245
All classes will be held online through Zoom until further notice. Details about the class will be sent to each student. Everyone can tune in. It is very easy. You just have to click the link that that will be sent to you on a weekly basis.
Today’s turbulent times are challenging for many of us. It can be difficult to keep outer circumstances from disturbing inner peace. Just as the SPF factor in sunscreen protects us from the harmful rays of the sun, a mindset of Serenity, Power, and Freedom can protect us from the craziness of life in the 21st Century: work stress, relationship/fmily issues, health challenges, financial concerns, world events, you name it. This course synthesizes a unique combination of concepts pulled from general psychology and modern spirituality. It offers new perspectives that provide clarity, purpose, and the ability to move ahead in the face of uncertainty, challenges, and change. This gives you the ability to embrace your life’s journey and the freedom to experience more joy, power, presence, and inner peace along the way.
TBA | 10 AM – 1 PM | FEE: $60
TBA | 10 AM – 1 PM | FEE: $60
In-person or online via Zoom. If you cannot be present during the online class, a recording will be emailed to you.
Developed over ten years ago, after much research, these topics become even more necessary to understand at the present time, along with their enhancement. It is for those who wish to comprehend the living heritage behind all religious structures and belief systems.
The first Saturday will trace the history of mankind’s spiritual roots in this major life wave from one original source at its beginning. It will delineate flow of understanding from the Vedic tradition within a global spirituality through Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity, as well as the mystical traditions within them. It will also trace the flow of the original source into the religious structures of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, as evidenced in our world today.
The second Saturday will present historical facts which have come to light in recent years regarding the great teacher, the Avatar Jesus, who carried forward an understanding based upon the mysticism of Judaism combined with the original Vedic tradition. Remember his words, “I did not come to abolish your teachings, I came to give them new meaning.” Not only Jesus’ teachings, but also his life has been shrouded in mystery. Now, however, the veil has been pierced and the light of understanding is being cast upon both aspects. Hidden manuscripts are now being translated and many of them offer a different view of the life of this Master than has been previously documented. Attendees will be given handouts on certain portions of these documents. This workshop ends with the presentation, both on-site on TV as well as on Zoom, of Paul David’s film, “ Jesus in India”.
It was filmed across 4,000 miles of India where proof is continuously discovered concerning the life of Jesus during the “missing” years between the ages of twelve and thirty. It is most enlightening!!
Those wishing to attend one or both of these events via Zoom, need to register no later than a week in advance since handouts can be mailed prior to the workshops.
Workshop TBA
Saturdays: 10 am – 1 pm
Fee: $50 per session
This enjoyable, popular and exciting series will present an enlightening and understandable interpretation of the Gospels, beginning with the Gospel of Matthew and continuing with Mark, Luke and John, as subsequent sessions allow, until all four have been discussed. Intriguing facts come to light in this more completely and understood level. These facts are pertinent and important to mankind’s present movement in consciousness .The Bible, particularly the New Testament, is a textbook for mankind’s evolutionary growth and when comprehended in that light, man’s history, as well as his destiny become evident. Please bring a copy of the New Testament with you (we will use the King James Version) and if possible, familiarize yourself with the Gospel we are studying prior to attending this class.
Healing Ministry Course
2024 Kabalistic Healing Ministry Program
Four Weekend Intensive:
Fee: $500 per weekend intensive
Not only does this program provide a developmental process for those who are interested or involved in the healing arts, but it also provides a means of self-development and wholeness by which one becomes a viable conductor of healing energies, whether used for oneself or are transmitted to others.
This is an intensive one-year program, finalizing in ordination in the St. Thomas Christian Church Healing Ministry, approved and accredited by the Church. Our program is limited to those who have at least completed the first degree of our “Kabalah: A Process of Awakening” study course with a basic understanding of the Tree of Life and preferably be interested or active in the healing arts. Our goal is to develop Healing Ministers in all walks of life and to maintain a referral list for all areas of the U.S.
Four weekend (Friday morning through Sunday afternoon) intensives are required for certification and ordination. At the closing session of December 4, each candidate who has completed the requirements will be ordained as a Healing Minister, with an S.H.L. (Licentiate in Sacred Healing) degree. The St.Thomas Christian Church carries forward the mystical tradition of the Judeo-Christian teachings wherein healing is an important factor.
The cost for each weekend intensive is $500. Sessions will be held online via Zoom from 9 am to 5 pm except Sunday, which ends at noon.
Now Accepting Registration!
$150/Session (Available online through Zoom): Call the Center at (404) 320-1038 to schedule your session
This 45-minute reading is not based on an Astrological Chart, (although it can be useful, if one is available and furnished by the client), but rather applies intuitive counseling to each of the twelve houses (segments) of life as they are impacted at the present, as well as the direction of that impact into the future. This is an in-depth look at all avenues of one’s life along with bringing to the surface the choices one may or may not see. In this often chaotic and confusing world, the greater one understands the flow of Divine life as it impacts the individual segments of life, the greater one is freer to live that life in harmony and joy.
Alok Agrawal, M.Phil., STM
$75/40 minute session (Available online through Zoom): Call the Center at (404) 320-1038 to schedule your session
Intuitive counseling adjusts itself into the needs of the individual seeking help, therefore techniques are unique to those needs. Its purpose is to aid the client to integrate the bigger picture of an event or issue which is affecting the harmony in his/her life. Often one’s mind becomes cluttered and confused and thereby unable to clearly see an accurate picture of what is occurring. One becomes mired down in illusory beliefs and concepts, which, in turn, create both emotional and physical imbalance and/or disease. Through the aid of intuitive counseling, archetypal analysis, individually designed meditations and Kabalistic healing, be it health, relationships or job related, one may not only come to understand the issue but also find the road to harmony and balance. Through the development of inner confidence and self-empowerment, each one ultimately becomes his/her own counselor and intuitive counseling helps one unfold that ability.
Alok Agrawal, M.Phil., STM
$50/hour session (Available online through Zoom): Call the Center at (404) 320-1038 to schedule your session
Each session is geared to the individual’s needs and experience. It utilizes a modern scientific approach coupled with the tenets of yoga. In a four week session you can integrate a simple technique which will allow you to relax your mind in this hectic world.
Meditation has long been the cornerstone of many spiritual traditions. In addition to this application, western scientists have come to realize that meditation provides many health benefits as well. These include: lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, decreased insomnia and strengthened immune system. Various psychological effects including lowered anxiety, improved mental focus and self-esteem augment these physical benefits. What the mystics throughout time have known, people in the common era are discovering that meditation is good for you on all levels. People from all walks of life are using meditation and sound enhancing technologies to help them manifest their goals and live more fully.
By Wade Hyde
$125/Session (Available online through Zoom): Call the Center at (404) 320-1038 to schedule your session
Through the use of intuitive and pastoral counseling as well as the application of an astrological chart to the Tree of Life, one can achieve an in-depth look at all avenues of one’s life, along with bringing to the surface the choices one may not see. Begin to discover yourself and the steps of your journey toward that life waiting for you.
Friday Evenings: TBA
7:30 pm
On these evenings we will present Puja, Aarati, and Satsang (teaching). Understanding will be presented regarding these ceremonies as well as the value of their archetypal symbolism. The service lasts approximately an hour and a half. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND.
A Pilgrimage to India
New travel dates to be announced
Personally Escorted by Alok Agrawal
This exciting tour will take you to the soul of India and includes the most important sites. This pilgrimage will include group meetings discussing Indian religion and culture, meditation at the important sites as well as interactions with the local culture. Since the organizer is well know in most areas, orientation to music and dance and much more will make this spiritual journey even more special!
“‑This is indeed India, the land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendor and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and giants and Aladdin lamps, of tigers and elephants, the cobra and the jungle, the country of a thousand nations and a hundred tongues, of a thousand religions and two million gods, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend, great-grandmother of tradition, whose yesterdays bear date with the mouldering antiquities of the rest of the nations—the one sole country under the sun that is endowed with an imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, for lettered and ignorant, wise and fool, rich and poor, bond and free, the one land that all men desire to see, and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of all the rest of the globe combined” — Mark Twain
Karin Kabalah Center
2531 Briarcliff Road, N.E. • Suite #217
Atlanta, GA 30329 • (404) 320-1038