Seminary Program


In today’s diverse international culture, with its rapidly changing environment, spiritual development for each person, whether leader or follower, man or woman, old or young, rich or poor, regardless of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin or disability, is the one common solution. Until each person has self-awareness, which can only result from spiritual growth, our continents, our countries, and our people will be divided because of self-aggrandizement.
This seminary program offers, nationally and internationally, spiritual growth through secular, spiritual and mystical studies. Its courses offer not only an academic education, but also a process through which each may achieve a recognition of his/her Self and realize a closer union of Self with Spirit.

Seminary Program

Karin Kabalah Center offers a Seminary Program for Ministry and Priesthood

in the St. Thomas Christian Church. Kabalah: A Process of Awakening is required and is a major portion of this program which is available to students enrolled in the correspondence course.
The St. Thomas Christian Church is a mystical Christian Church which traces its history and apostolic succes­sion back to the very origin of Christianity through one of the original apostles, St. Thomas. Now as mankind prepares to move into a new world consciousness, the mystical tradition of the St. Thomas Church, evolving from the most ancient of historical times and lineage, moves into that world, expressing understanding applica­ble to it, yet retaining its spiritual heritage. The Seminary Program prepares candidates for ordination to Holy Orders and offers a Licentiate in Sacred Theology Degree (S.T.L.) for Minister status and a Masters in Sacred Theology Degree (S.T.M.) for Priesthood.

Healing Ministry Program

In addition to the Seminary Program for Ministry and Priesthood, there is also another program now available to Kabalistic students. This is an intensive, one-year program finalizing in ordination as a Kabalistic Healing Minister, approved and accredited by the St. Thomas Christian Church. Unlike the Clergy Program, which can be completed mostly by correspondence, the Kabalistic Healing Ministry Program requires attendance at four weekend (Friday through Sunday morning) intensives within a calendar year, beginning in March, and continuing in June, September and December at the Center in Atlanta. At the final session in December, each candidate who has com­pleted the requirements is ordained in the Healing Ministry with an S.H.L. (Licentiate in Sacred Healing) degree. The St. Thomas Christian Church carries forward the mystical tradition of the Judeo-Christian esoteric teachings wherein healing is an important factor.

If you are interested in either of these programs, please contact the center for a catalog and application.

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