with Alok Agrawal
Each session is geared to the individual’s needs and experience. It utilizes a modern scientific approach coupled with the tenets of yoga. In a four week session you can integrate a simple technique which will allow you to relax your mind in this hectic world.
Meditation has long been the cornerstone of many spiritual traditions. In addition to this application, western scientists have come to realize that meditation provides many health benefits as well. These include: lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, decreased insomnia and strengthened immune system, These physical benefits are augmented by various psychological effects including lowered anxiety, improved mental focus and self-esteem. What the mystics throughout time have known, people in the common era are discovering that meditation is good for you on all levels! People from all walks of life are using meditation and sound enhancing technologies to help them manifest their goals and live more fully.
Individual Private Sessions $50/half hour.
Please contact the center for an appointment